Get Involved
For over 30 years we have been offering Deaf children in Jamaica a well-rounded education in a safe and positive Christian environment.
There are many ways to help us reach out to the deaf community in Jamaica. We are always seeking prayer support, financial support, and partners to help us maintain and expand our campus.
How to get involved
We believe that prayer is foundational and we rely on prayer support from our friends and supporters.
We rely on donations to cover costs related to the education and care of our students and the day to day operating expenses of the school.
Over the years, we have developed lasting relationships with churches, schools and individuals who often come back to volunteer their time and energy to enrich our students and our campus.

Donations from friends and supporters like you make up approximately 90% of our operating revenue. Without this support we would not be able to continue this ministry.
The most pressing need for Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf is monthly revenue to cover operating costs (electricity, gas, internet, phone, vehicle expenses, etc.), teacher salaries, student room and board, and other costs associated with running a residential school. The school depends on donations to cover much of the cost related to the education and care of the children and the day to day operating expenses of the school. If you are interested in supporting JCSD, please fill out and return the donation form. Your contribution will make a huge difference in the lives of these children.
Giving Options
Friends of JCSD is a U.S. based non-profit that helps simplify the process of receiving donations from our U.S. supporters and friends. Whether you donate online or via check, Friends of JCSD collects and processes donations. Once a month we receive a transfer with all donations as well as a detailed report.
Donate Online
Click the DONATE NOW button below to make a donation via PayPal using your PayPal account or credit card.
PayPal securely processes donations.
Recurring Donations
When making an online donation, simply select the checkbox “Make this a monthly donation” directly below the amount you choose to donate. You do need to have a PayPal account to set up recurring donations.
Donate by Check
If you are a new donor, please download our Donation Form and send it in with your donation. For repeat donors, you can simply send your check (no form necessary) to the address below.
Please make checks payable “Friends of JCSD” and mail to:
Friends of JCSD
PO Box 115
Nashua, NH, 03061
Our Mission
To provide experiences, which will help students to understand who he or she is, what they are worth in society and how to maintain and live a Christian life.
To develop the intellect, cultivate skills, create abilities to discover talents and promote a sense of value.
To foster good attitudes that will lead to social awareness, self-discipline and willingness to serve with a view to leading a useful life.