About Us

Not disabled, just differently-abled
Our vision is to become the premier educational institution for the Deaf in Jamaica, providing first class values-based education and training, built on a spiritual foundation that will motivate towards self-actualization and service to society.
Our Mission
The basic aim of Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf is to develop a well-integrated Christian person, morally upright, emotionally mature, and ready for the outside world. In order to do that we strive:
To provide experiences, which will help students to understand who he or she is, what they are worth in society and how to maintain and live a Christian life.
To develop the intellect, cultivate skills, create abilities to discover talents and promote a sense of value.
To foster good attitudes that will lead to social awareness, self-discipline and willingness to serve with a view to leading a useful life.
Sophia (Marcia) Reid

Dian Thompson

Shevonne Biggs

Denise Black

Cedrina Harwood

Denise Williams

Tashoya Barnes

Yanique Lindo

Shackera Seiviwright

Letricia Small

Ancillary Staff

House Mothers
Barbara & Talesha

Patricia & Ricardo

Jason & Martin

More About JCSD
Statement of Faith
The Bible is God’s Word. It is true. His words govern our lives. God is the one true God. He has always lived in three equal Persons: the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit. God loves all people. He wants us to be right with Him, but our sin blocks the way. However, because of His love for mankind, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. Nothing else but the blood of Jesus can take away all our sins.
our core values
- Integrity
- Empathy
- Responsibility
- Respect
- Self-Confidence
Our Partners
Friends of JCSD
Friends of JCSD is a non-profit organization that facilitates our fundraising efforts in the United States. Donations made through Friends of JCSD are tax deductible and will be wired to us each month along with a detailed report of that month’s donor activity.
Mission Discovery
Mission Discovery sends short term mission trip teams to JCSD yearly, or several times a year. During their trips, they spend a week staying on campus and serving us by making repairs on existing buildings or helping us complete new project. Visit Mission Discovery’s website.
HOLD the Children
HOLD the Children was created to help poor children in developing countries acquire an education and to provide compassionate care for abandoned or abused children.
Crown Boys Mentoring
Crown Boys Mentoring CIC is committed to providing guidance and support to young people typically without fathers and we operate to support youth in the London Boroughs and the Caribbean.
Sign Dreamers
We use a portion of the amount paid for the graphics of every Sign Dreamers yard sign to support our global partners in the cause.